谭华春(TAN HauChun) |
地址:北京理工大学前沿交叉科学研究院 电话: 手机:86-1391-022-7018 邮箱:tanhc00@qq.com, tanhc00@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn |
车辆网,张量研究 |
和身份 |
2000.9 —— 2006.7:普博生 |
/ 研究方向 |
“人脸表情识别中若干问题的研究”(博士学位论文) |
李睿,章毓晋,谭华春。自适应去噪滤波器组合的训练与设计方法。电子与信息学报,2006,28(7): 1165-1168。 刘晓旻,谭华春,章毓晋。人脸表情识别研究的新进展。中国图象图形学报,2006,11(10): 1359-1368。 谭华春,章毓晋。基于人脸相似度加权距离的非特定人表情识别。电子与信息学报,2007,29(2): 455-459。 谭华春,章毓晋,李睿。基于角点特征的眼睛轮廓提取。中国图象图形学报,2007,12(7): 1224-1229。 刘晓旻,章毓晋,谭华春。基于Hausdorff距离的相似性和对称性度量及在人脸定位中的应用。信号处理,2008,24(1): 118-121。 谭华春,章毓晋。眼睛特征提取中可变形模板能量函数优化方法。北京理工大学学报,2009,29(2): 128-132。 谭华春,章毓晋,赵亚男。利用角点信息的嘴唇轮廓提取。北京交通大学学报,2009,33(2): 30-33。 Tan H C, Zhang Y-J, Li R. “Robust Eye Extraction Using Deformable Template and Feature Tracking Ability”. Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, 3: 1747-1751 (3C11P0366), 2003. Tan H C, Zhang Y-J. “Automatic Facial Expression Analysis”. Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction, Idea Group Reference, C Ghaoui. ed., 60-67, 2006. Tan H C, Zhang Y-J. “An Energy Minimization Process for Extracting Eye Feature Based on Deformable Template”. Proceedings of the Seventh Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Part 2, 663-672, 2006. Tan H C, Zhang Y-J. “Detecting Eye Blink States by Tracking Iris and Eyelids”. Pattern Recognition Letters, 27(6): 667-675, 2006. Tan H C, Zhang Y-J. “A Novel Weighted Hausdorff Distance for Face Localization”. Image and Vision Computing, 24(7): 656-662, 2006. Tan H C, Zhang Y-J. “Computing Eigenface from Edge Images for Face Recognition Based on Hausdorff Distance”. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Image and Graphics, 639-644, 2007. Tan H C, Zhang Y-J. “Person-Similarity Weighted Feature for Expression Recognition”. Proceedings of the 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4844), 712-721, 2007. Tan H C, Zhang Y-J. “Expression-Independent Face Recognition Based on Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition”. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2846-2851, 2008. Tan H C, Zhang Y-J. “Incorporating Corner Information for Mouth Feature Extraction”. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2909-2913, 2008. 专著作者之一: 章毓晋等. 《基于子空间的人脸识别》. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2009. |
2018.5 - 2022.5 东南大学教授,车路一体化研究所所长 |
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